Fractions & Decimals Doodle Notes
Converting between Fractions and Decimals: 2 page visual "doodle notes" set -
When students color or doodle in math class, it activates both hemispheres of the brain at the same time. There are proven benefits of this cross-lateral brain activity:
- new learning
- relaxation (less math anxiety)
- visual connections
- better memory & retention of the content!
Students fill in the sheets, answer the questions, and color, doodle or embellish. Then, they can use it as a study guide later on. Graphic doodle and sketch notes take full advantage of Dual Coding Theory (the way brains process visual and linguistic information) to maximize retention.
Content includes:
- visual memory triggers for repeating vs. terminating decimals
- how to write a fraction as a decimal by dividing
- how to write a decimal as a fraction by reading it aloud, then simplifying
- working with repeating decimals
- converting mixed numbers to decimals
- graphic reminders to build retention
- interactive examples
Each of the two pages can be a stand-alone lesson, but once students have learned to convert both ways, they can lay them side-by-side or create a poster with both sheets together to represent the whole picture. The arrows then create a cycle showing how to convert back and forth between decimals and fractions in both directions.
Check out the preview images for more detail about this item and the research behind it.
Visual note taking strategies like sketch notes or doodle notes are based on dual coding theory. When we can blend the text input with graphic/visual input, the student brain processes the information differently and can more easily convert the new learning into long-term memory.
This strategy also integrates the left and right hemispheres of the brain to increase focus, learning, and retention!
2 pages are included, plus answer keys, samples, and info.
Reviews from other teachers:
-This resource is great. The worksheets are easy to use for special education classrooms. The students were able to get the concepts of dividing fractions fairly well and quickly.
-A great resource to use with my intervention groups.
-My kiddos really enjoyed this, and once completed they placed in their math journal to use later. Thank you!!
-Fun way to teach fractions! My students loved it!
-My fifth graders loved these! Thanks for sharing!