Linear Equations Bundle: Slope & Graphing | Activities, Games, Notes, & Puzzles
Slope, Graphing, & Linear Equations Activity Bundle - a variety of creative games, notes, activities, puzzles and other resources:
Save money by getting 20 sets of resources in one bundle! These activities will help your students with slope and graphing.
The zip file contains the following resources in PDF format:
1. An infographic about slope (great as a study guide or graphic organizer)
2. An inquiry-based activity in which students discover Slope-Intercept Form
3. a MATCH puzzle activity using Slope-Intercept form
4. A lesson pack on slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines (includes practice and a full set of differentiated task cards)
5. A set of practice activities with linear equations in all forms
6. A map treasure hunt partner activity
7. A Four-In-A-Row game using Slope-Intercept Form
8. A card sort activity on Slope with notebook pockets included
9. A choice board of project-based tasks for assessing student understanding of graphing linear equations
10. A "Choose Your Own Journey Book" on slope and linear equations
11. An "Always, Sometimes, or Never True" activity for critical thinking about lines.
12. Coordinate PLANES activity (paper airplanes from graphing linear equations)
13. A Card Sorting Activity for Parallel, Perpendicular, or Neither (with option of sorting mat or notebook pockets - includes answer-check cards)
14. A fun Football Game for writing linear equations (includes teacher options for easy differentiation)
15. "Doodle Notes" on main ideas of finding and understanding slope
16. a "Pass It On" game reviewing Slope-Intercept Form
17. "Doodle Notes" for Slope-Intercept Form.
18. "Doodle Notes" for Point-Slope Form
19. "Doodle Notes" for Standard Form
20. "Doodle Notes" for 2 variable Equations, Relating Graphs to Events, and Graphing Linear Equations